2011年8月29日 星期一

4 Steps to an Anti-Aging Life

Aside from the signs of the Apocalypse, those of skin aging are probably the last that we'd all want to see. Who wants dry, wrinkled skin today? People in the past probably lived with it but not us. We have all the information we need to live an anti aging life, so let's get on with it. If you've always wanted fast, clear facts about making those unwanted signs less visible, read on:


If you don't want to look old, you can't let yourself feel old. So go ahead and be a responsible adult, but be a child as well. Improve your attitude because this is going to affect your appearance, and that's whether you like it or not. When you worry too much, you put your body under stress and that's not going to reflect beautifully outward. Learn to be a child again. Laugh at your mistakes, play, enjoy life and imagine an inner fountain of youth within you so that it radiates outside and makes you look younger.


Let's get to the core. There are actually five top nutritional picks that can improve your skin's appearance. One is seafood, which contains zinc, a natural exfoliator, and omega-3 acids which prevent dryness and inflammation. Another is citrus fruits, which are rich in Vitamin C that promotes antioxidant activity and retards aging, red and green vegetables, which contain Vitamin A and beta-carotene thatalso produce anti aging effects through antioxidants, nuts, which promote skin moisture, making skin look younger, and finally, whole grains, which are also rich in antioxidants and natural skin moisturizers.
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You can improve our skin through the right foods, but to maximize the anti aging effects of these foods, you need to exercise. Exercise improves your circulation and allows more of these nutrients to reach your cells where the anti-aging effects begin. If you eat a lot of these "right" foods but barely absorb their nutrients, you may not enjoy their full benefit. You need to exercise to let these foods actually work as far as your age-fighting efforts are concerned. Aside from that, exercise also promotes fat loss which tends to make you look even younger.

The Sun

The sun is actually the leading cause of premature skin aging. This is because of its powerful UV rays which can cut really deep into your skin. When you go under the sun without protection, you are actually courting wrinkles, skin dryness, sunburn and even skin cancer. These are not in line with your anti-aging mission, so never ever go outdoor without sunscreen where an SPF factor of 15 is often good enough.

If you want to delay your aging process and stay young-looking for a long period of time, you'll have to work on it. And it's not even vanity. Fact is, when you look young, you look good, you feel good and, chances are, you'll even do better. You'll brim with confidence and you'll love yourself enough to love others even more - the best reason to stay young and beautiful!


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