2011年8月29日 星期一

What Is Fish Oil

Have you reached the stage in your life where you now notice it's getting harder to do things you once took for granted, you suffer more from stiff joint pain particularly first thing in the morning. Your cholesterol and triglyceride levels are going in the wrong direction, which is concerning because it can lead to circulatory problems, clogged arteries and other illnesses.

Have you put in place a strategy yet to help your body cope with this damned old age thing creeping up on you? Some years ago I put in place a strategy to cut down on eating so much fatty red meat and to eat more fresh fish. At the same time I started on fish oil supplements high in DHA and EPA fatty acids.

I did this because my doctor kept increasing my cholesterol and blood pressure medications over the past 15 years to a point where it was getting to what I thought was ridiculous and potentially dangerous because of statin drug side effects. I already ate what I considered a healthy diet and exercised regularly. Diet is very important but some of us just can't improve our cholesterol by diet alone -- hereditary obviously plays a big part with some of us.
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However now after 3 years diligently taking my fish oil capsules every day, watching my diet closely and exercising a little more than I used to my reliance on statin cholesterol drug medication has halved.

You can't stop your body getting older but you sure can put in place a strategy to help yourself with improved diet specifically reducing your saturated and trans fat intake from fatty meat etc, a bit more exercise, eating more white meat instead of red meat and eating fish twice a week, as well as supplementing your diet with fish oil capsules and multivitamin supplements.

If you do thses things there is every reason to believe you can improve your cholesterol and blood pressure and maybe reduce your reliance on these prescribed drugs.

So What Is Fish Oil and What Can It Do For You?

Well there's no mystery about fish oil because it's simply oil contained within the flesh of certain kinds of fish. It is also commonly available in fish oil supplements.

The best thing about fish oil is it contains two essential omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which are only found in certain species of oily fish that live in deep cold-water ocean locations. However you need to be very careful when selecting and eating fresh fish because these species can be heavily polluted especially with mercury.

The DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish help to relieve inflammation pain in your body and in higher doses helps to prevent and relieve certain types of arthritis and can help with numerous other health conditions

Why not do yourself a favor by getting some omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids into your system by eating more fresh unpolluted fish a couple of times a week, or easier still supplementing your diet with fresh, pure and safe omega3 fish oil capsules high in omega 3 fatty acids.


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