2011年8月29日 星期一

Anti-Aging Skin Care Strategies

Insight Into Anti- Aging Skin Care

When does skin start to age. It is quite difficult to determine since it varies from person to person. Generally, the ability of the skin to retain water starts decreasing in the mid-20s. The oxygen level of the skin also goes down considerably. This results in the skin to start losing its natural health and radiance. However, this is quite early to start using anti-aging products.

Serious signs of aging start appearing in the 30s. This is when the skin starts losing its elasticity and its ability to produce collagen also decreases. The skin starts showing signs of aging with the formation of dry lines that are much deep and harder to remove. At this age, the skin becomes noticeably dull and more sensitive.

However, in your 40s, these signs of aging become prominent with the addition of age spots. There are special intensive anti-aging products and treatments that can be extremely effective.

Do You Need Anti-Aging Products In Mid 20s?

In the mid 20s, the skin exhibits some kind of changes like dryness and eruptions; however it's still too early for an anti-aging treatment.

In the mid-20s, the skin starts losing its elasticity gradually and its ability to retain water also decreases. Treating such skin issues is easy by simply choosing an effective moisturizer. According to skin experts, the body starts losing vital oxygen that is transported to the cells.

It is important to use UV protection to prevent premature aging. It has been proved that 80% of skin problems are due to excessive

Anti Aging Ingredients In Skin Care Products In 30s

In 30s, the production of collagen decreases causing the formation of dry skin and wrinkles. These lines are stubborn which also affects your complexion. Some other factors that contribute to skin aging are stress, free radicals, improper diet, lack of sleep and more.
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When looking for anti-aging ingredients in skin care, look for the following features:

-- products that moisturize and prevent loss of moisture
-- improves skin radiance
-- protects the skin cells against release of free radicals
-- protection against UV light

The following ingredients will deliver the effects mentioned above:

Manuka Honey – Considered a wonder substance and is used in major skin care products nowadays. It is known for its absolutely natural cleansing and moisturizing effect. It works on fine lines and soothes them. When consumed locally prevents the release of free radicals in the body. When applied locally treats major skin problems like acne, blemishes, sunburns, cuts, inflammations, dryness etc.

Vitamin C – Perhaps the most crucial ingredient in any anti-aging skin care therapy. This natural substance is found in many fruits and vegetables. It is known for its amazing antioxidant properties, which make your skin appear refreshed and energized. It is believed that vitamin C reverses sun damage.

Vitamin E – This balances the skin hydration and moisture retention capability. It also induces collagen and improves skin elasticity.

Anti-Aging Products In 40s

In the 40s, the skin becomes comparatively thinner and more susceptible to wrinkles and damage by free radicals. The skin also starts to develop dark spots, freckles and discoloration of the skin which makes it appear uneven.

To prevent such disorders and treat these age related symptoms, you need to look for skin care products that provide the following properties:

-- treats the collagen levels, initiating production and decreasing fine lines
-- fighting dull skin and uneven complexion
-- lightening age spots and preventing the reappearance of newer ones
-- keeps the skin hydrated and moisturized

Anti-Aging Products For Women Above 50s

There is a marked decrease in estrogen and progesterone production which leads to even more thinning of the skin. The surface tends to become drier, paler and even more sensitive. Decreasing estrogen levels cause increase in collagen breakdown resulting in wrinkle formation and loss of moisture. This makes the skin lose its natural firmness which appears in sagging skin and loss of natural skin color.

During the 50s, your skin care goals are:

-- prevent skin dryness
-- balanced skin
-- prevent and fight wrinkles
-- counteract the causes of decreased estrogen levels

Accept The Fact That Skin Aging Is A Natural Process

Do not get obsessed to fight wrinkles since aging is natural and will show up in time. However, all we can do is look younger than our age and never overdo our skin care regime. With the hope of making it better most use chemical based, synthetic products that make matters worse.


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